- Server / Waiter
- West Yarmoth
- Massachusetts
- $ 6.75 / hour
Job Description: TEAM WORK IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT! Support staff is not available at Lobster Boat, we expect you to be flexible in terms of the task rotation. We expect you to clean the tables and deliver orders to the tables. • Welcoming and sitting diners comfortably in the dining section • Taking customers’ food and drink orders • Collaborating with the kitchen and bar staff for prompt and correct delivery of orders • Memorizing the menu and recommend appetizers, meals and drinks from restaurant wine stock • Delivering a memorable dining experience by resolving all customer issues promptly • Assisting with the tidying of tables, clearing leftovers and keeping the dining area neat and pleasant • Setting tables and rearranging the dining area to accommodate larger groups and prepare the restaurant for special events • Ensuring cooking utensils and kitchen area are cleaned after closing to comply with state regulations
Server / Waiter: Responsabil pentru luarea comenzilor si livrarea alimentelor si bauturilor. Trebuie sa creeze buna-dispozitie a clientilor, sa le ofere recomandari si sugestii; sa lucreze eficient cu bucataria; sa seteze mesele si sa proceseze platile pentru comenzile efctuate. Lucrind in aceasta pozitie ai functia de a oferi doza de satisfactie si placere a oaspetilor, de creare a dispozitiei placute a acestora pentru intreaga durata a aflarii lor in local. Pozitia iti ofera posibilitatea de a cunoaste multi oameni noi din diverse regiuni, state, tari; de a dezvolta abilitatile de comunicare in limba engleza si de a obtine impresii asupra comportamentului diferitor nationalitati. Straduinta ce o manifesti fata de deservirea fiecarui client iti va fi rasplatita prin generozitatea acestuia de a te multumi cu tips-uri.