- Resort Worker
- Long Lake
- New York
- $ 15 / hour
Job Description: Employer has the right to place students in a position best suited to their skills, language and interests. They include but are not limited to: Culinary Department/Restaurant Worker- Student will be washing dishes, light food prep work such as cutting veggies, and could potentially learn salads, desserts, and pizza making. Housekeeping Department- Student will be cleaning rooms, bathrooms, and common areas of hotel. They will sweep and hose down the outside veranda/porch area. They will assist in taking care of flowers and plants around the property. They will strip down the rooms and gather all dirty linens for laundry service, and will assist with unbag and putting linens away when they are returned after cleaning. Students will also need to complete a daily housekeeping report and report any room issues to department manager. Will also assist with light maintenance and simple daily tasks such as changing a light bulb, taking out the trash, replacing small furniture in the room that might get damaged during a guest's stay.
Resort Worker: Responsabil pentru confortul oaspetilor prin garantarea faptului ca camerele si zonele publice sunt curate si corect prezentate. La fel pot fi asignati si cu alte responsabilitati in conformitate cu necesitatile statiunii de odihna. Acest job dezvolta capacitatea de gestionare a timpului eficient; ofera posibilitatea de a interactiona cu oaspetii hotelului; ajuta la mentinerea unei forme fizice bune, comunicarea zilnica cu clientii va contribui la imbunatatirea nivelului de cunoastere a limbii engleze, iar munca manifestata cu placere iti va oferi o experienta de neuitat petrecuta intr-un anturaj placut, bine amenajat si iti vei face prieteni atit din personalul angajat cit si din vizitatorii resortului.