• Crew Member
  • Kitty Hawk
  • North Carolina
  • $ 15 / hour

Black Pelican Oceanfront Restaurant
North Carolina
Start Date
15 Jun 2025 - 15 Jun 2025
15$ / hour
0 / 2
English Level
Kitty Hawk
End Date
30 Sep 2025
Yes, 100$/weekly
Job Details
in offices
Intrax VJF5, 08 Jan, 13:14,
Second Job

Job Description: Looking for individuals who are self-motivated, detail-oriented, have a positive customer service attitude, strong communication skills, and teamwork. This is a great job for someone who enjoys working in a fast paced environment and has an outgoing and friendly personality. Must be able to work under pressure, stand on your feet for long periods of time, be able to work in hot work environment around the dishwasher and ovens. Must be able to work quickly and efficiently. Participants must appreciate hard work; enjoy working with and for others; take pride in a job well done; and be committed to providing first-class service to guests. In this position you will work as a Hostess/Salad Prep/Steamer Cook/ Pizza Cook/Dessert Cook. Ability to read and understand orders quickly is required. Previous Restaurant kitchen/cooking experience preferred but not required. Cooks must be able to spends long hours on their feet in a hot kitchen environment. Participants will be working with other employees to prepare orders in an EXTREMELY fast paced and high pressure environment. You will need to be able to communicate with other cooks to accurately time your dishes and ask for help if you need it. We rely on teamwork, and clear communication, so it's extremely important that you are able to work well with others. You must arrive by the date agreed upon at the interview, and listed on your work offer, and are expected to work until the last day listed on your work offer. You will be expected to arrive to work on time, every day, and dressed in proper uniform. Black Pelican has high standards of cleanliness and guest service. You will be expected to make sure you perform your job responsibilities as taught in training and according to company standards. You will be scheduled 5-6 days a week. Schedule will vary depending on the restaurants needs. Your schedule could be varied and you could work both morning and evening shifts. Working weekends and holidays is expected

Crew Member: Responsabil pentru patru atribuții principale: interacțiunea cu clienții localului, prepararea alimentelor, procesarea plăților și curățenia. Trebuie să îndeplinească rapid și precis comenzile și să demonstreze sensibilitate la nevoile individuale ale clienților, atât în spate cât și în zonele de luat masa. Trebuie să învețe să opereze cu echipamentul necesar. Lucrând în această poziție vei avea șansa de a cunoaște cum funcționează întregul proces de lucru al localului pentru a obtine satisfactia clienților, vei vedea și învața cum se prepara spectrul larg de mâncăruri oferite de local și vei fi implicat la direct în prepararea acestora. Acest job dezvoltă capacitatea de gestionare a timpului eficient; oferă posibilitatea de a învăța tehnici și rețete de preparare a bucatelor noi; de a comunica cu angajații americani în limba engleză; de asemenea comunicarea cu clienții, servirea acestora cu acuratețe și într-o maniera politicoasă îți va aduce bacșiș mulțumitor și îmbunătățire a nivelului limbii engleze.

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