• Ride Operator
  • Williamsburg
  • Virginia
  • $ 9.5 / hour

Busch Gardens Williamsburg P
Start Date
15 Jun 2021 - 15 Jun 2021
9.5$ / hour
4 / 4
English Level
End Date
30 Sep 2021
Yes, 77$/weekly
Job Details
in offices
Second Job

Job Description: Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW) is an action-packed European-themed park with 17th century charm and 21st century technology boasting more than 300 acres of unparalleled fun and adventure. BGW is voted to be the world's "Most Beautiful" and "Favorite" theme park. Busch Gardens Williamsburg is home to Water Country USA (WCUSA) the mid-Atlantic's largest family water park featuring the greatest state-of-the-art water ride and attractions spectacular entertainment shopping and restaurants - all set to a colorful 1950's and 60's surf theme. Along with fun jobs, housing and a great work atmosphere, International Participants can also take part in the Busch Gardens Educational program for employees. Participants are offered the opportunity to attend seminars and classes on Guest Services and Hospitality Management. Participants who take part in these programs will be receive Certificates of Completion for these programs.

Ride Operator: Responsabil pentru ordinea la urcare si coborire de pe dispozitivele din parcul de distractie. Trebuie sa admita pe platforme un numar anumit de personae, sa ajute sa urce copiii si persoanele in virsta, sa acorde informatii, sa puna centurile de siguranta si sa se asigure ca barele de siguranta sunt corect pozitionate; la fel si sa colecteze platile. Lucrind in aceasta pozitie vei avea posibilitatea de a cunoaste o multime de oameni din imprejurimi sau din diverse locatii, state, astfel iti vei imbunatati considerabil nivelul de comunicare in limba engleza, de a te imprieteni poate pentru intreaga viata cu persoane cunoscute in perimetrul localului; iti vei dezvolta capacitatile de gestionare operativa si eficienta a timpului, iar buna dispozitie creata clientului, grija manifestata pentru siguranta lui si amabilitatea de deservire a acestuia iti vor fi rasplatite cu diverse bonusuri- tickete la film, petreceri si jocuri gratuite.

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