• Server / Waiter
  • Kitty Hawk
  • North Carolina
  • $ 9.25 / hour

Hilton Garden Inn
North Carolina
Start Date
15 Jun 2021 - 15 Jun 2021
9.25$ / hour
0 / 1
English Level
Kitty Hawk
End Date
30 Sep 2021
No, in the region around 100$/weekly
Job Details
in offices
Second Job

Job Description: [---CLONE---]Hilton Garden Inn ( Kitty Hawk) is the premier hotel in the Outer Banks and is the perfect resort for your Summer Work Travel Program. Within walking distance from the sand and surf of the beach as well as the tranquil waters of the sound, Hilton Garden Inn has everything you could want from working in an exceptional resort that provides world-class services and amenities in one-of-a-kind coastal destination. With a great location in the Outer Banks, near beaches, shopping, lighthouses and more, this is one of the best places to spend your Summer Work Travel program. If you like the idea of living in a quiet beach town, instead of the big city, and working in a World Class Resort then come to the Outer Banks! Sun, sand and the beautiful beaches of the Atlantic Ocean await!

Server / Waiter: Responsabil pentru luarea comenzilor si livrarea alimentelor si bauturilor. Trebuie sa creeze buna-dispozitie a clientilor, sa le ofere recomandari si sugestii; sa lucreze eficient cu bucataria; sa seteze mesele si sa proceseze platile pentru comenzile efctuate. Lucrind in aceasta pozitie ai functia de a oferi doza de satisfactie si placere a oaspetilor, de creare a dispozitiei placute a acestora pentru intreaga durata a aflarii lor in local. Pozitia iti ofera posibilitatea de a cunoaste multi oameni noi din diverse regiuni, state, tari; de a dezvolta abilitatile de comunicare in limba engleza si de a obtine impresii asupra comportamentului diferitor nationalitati. Straduinta ce o manifesti fata de deservirea fiecarui client iti va fi rasplatita prin generozitatea acestuia de a te multumi cu tips-uri.

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