• Server
  • Mackinaw City
  • Michigan
  • $ 3.75 / hour

Mackinaw Hotel Management The Lighthouse Restaurant
Start Date
15 Jun 2021 - 15 Jun 2021
3.75$ / hour
1 / 1
English Level
Mackinaw City
End Date
30 Sep 2021
Yes, 80$/weekly
Job Details
in offices
Second Job

Job Description: A restaurant server takes orders, answers questions about the menu and food, sells the restaurant's food and drinks, takes payment, communicates orders with the kitchen staff, seats customers, and helps with customer service and cleaning. Responsibilities include: taking food and drink orders from customers accurately and with a positive attitude; writing food orders on slips, memorize orders or enter orders into computers for transmittal to kitchen staff; engage with customers in a friendly manner; know the menu with ability to make suggestions; ensure tables are enjoying their meals and take action to correct any problems; collect payments from tables; prepare checks that itemize and total meal costs and sales taxes; help food preparation staff when necessary.breakfast buffet, ensuring buffet items such fruits, breads, cereals and bakery items remain well-stocked, maintaining the safety and appearance of the buffet area and cleaning the area in preparation for the next day. This may include replenishing silverware, sugar caddies and condiments, light to moderate food preparation, refilling beverage containers, mopping, wiping and sweeping.

Server: Responsabil pentru luarea comenzilor si livrarea acestora catre clienti. Trebuie sa creeze buna-dispozitie a clientilor, sa le ofere recomandari si sugestii; sa lucreze eficient cu bucataria; sa seteze mesele si sa proceseze platile pentru comenzile efctuate. Lucrind in aceasta pozitie ai functia de a oferi doza de satisfactie si placere a oaspetilor, de creare a dispozitiei placute a acestora pentru intreaga durata a aflarii lor in local. Pozitia iti ofera posibilitatea de a cunoaste multi oameni noi din diverse regiuni, state, tari; de a dezvolta abilitatile de comunicare in limba engleza si de a obtine impresii asupra comportamentului diferitor nationalitati. Straduinta ce o manifesti fata de deservirea fiecarui client iti va fi rasplatita prin generozitatea acestuia de a te multumi cu tips-uri.

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