• Grocery Store Worker
  • Vineyard Haven
  • Massachusetts
  • $ 14 / hour

Stop and Shop
Start Date
15 Jun 2020 - 30 Jun 2020
14$ / hour
0 / 2
English Level
Vineyard Haven
End Date
30 Sep 2020
Yes, 25$/weekly
Job Details
in offices
Second Job

Job Description: Growing from a single corner grocer to a chain of more than 375 stores throughout New England Stop & Shop has offered its customers the best selection, quality and value for more than 100 years. Stop and Shop Supermarkets offer students a dynamic job with lots of customer interaction. Cape Cod is a beautiful beach resort area with a lot of outdoor activities. Upon arriving to work for Stop and Shop Supermarkets, you will be placed in a department that has the biggest need at that point. Students must be flexible with their placements and speak with their manager if they have any concerns. We rely on our students to help us have a successful season, and we will do our best to make sure everyone succeeds in our team driven workforce. We expect Stop and Shop to be your primary job. Housing can be very expensive on the Cape, so students must be proactive in securing housing and email the hiring manager upon being hired to inquire about housing options. The hiring manager will respond and give you instructions and contact information to secure your summer housing. Students who wait until summer to find housing will have no luck and may face cancellation from the program. Stop and Shop is confident they will be able to assist you with housing leads in the local area of your Store assignment. Rent is approximately $125-$150 per week, depending on amenities. Please come prepared with enough money for 3 weeks ($750-$1000) to ensure a successful start to your program.

Grocery Store Worker: Responsabil pentru acordarea asistentei in gasirea, masurarea si cumpararea articolelor unui magazin/atelier. Trebuie sa ofere servicii de consultanta si sa opereze registrul de incasare a banilor. Munca in aceasta pozitie presupune o activitate intr-un spatiu bine amenajat, ambianta placuta care urmeaza a fi incununtata de straduinta angajatului in satisfacerea clientului. Intimpinarea placuta a oaspetelui, discutiile politicoase si prietenoase urmate de sfaturi in alegerea cumparaturii tin sa te avanseze si sa obtii bonusuri si alte beneficii oferite de catre angajator ca multumire pentru implicarea ta cu devotament in activitatea ce o ai. Totodata ai posibilitatea de a-ti dezvolta capacitatea de gestionare eficienta a timpului si abilitatea de gasire rapida a solutiilor. Interactiunea directa cu clientii localului te va ajuta sa evoluezi in cunoasterea limbii engleze, iti va oferi posibilitatea sa comunici cu multi oameni din diverse locatii, state si desigur sa iti faci prieteni ceea ce iti va oferi o experienta de neuitat.

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