- Laundry Attendant
- Ocean City
- Maryland
- $ 11 / hour
Job Description: The Clarion Resort Hotel provides unmatched Ocean City accommodations. With luxurious hotel rooms and a picturesque setting on the Atlantic Ocean, you won’t find a better Ocean City Hotel. The Clarion Resort Fontainebleau Hotel is the largest Convention Center Hotel in Ocean City Maryland. With a beautiful indoor pool and lively night clubs and restaurants, a great time is always right around the corner. Advance Deposit/Rent Due: $500.00 is due two weeks prior to your USA Arrival. This should be paid to your home country recruiter. The breakdown is as follows: $250.00 Refundable Housing Deposit $250.00 Rent Payment.
Laundry Attendant: Responsabil pentru colectarea si spalarea rufelor clientilor si lenjeriei de pat a hotelului. Trebuie sa colecteze lenjeria si rufele, sa le sorteze, sa opereze cu masina de spalat, sa calce etc. Uneori sa asiste oaspetii hotelului daca au rufele patate. Activitatea in cadrul acestei pozitii contribuie la dezvoltarea capacitatii de gestionare a timpului eficient; a abilitatii de executie a sarcinilor cu rapiditate;mentinerea unei forme fizice bune si active. Interactionarea cu oaspetii hotelului ofera sansa de imbunatatire a nivelului de cunoastere a limbii engleze iar asistarea cu amabilitate a oaspetilor in cazurile de necesitate poate fi remunerata cu tips-uri.