- Hostess/Cashier
- Park City
- Utah
- $ 10.5 / hour
Job Description: The Sheraton Park City is a beautiful, full-service hotel nestled in the heart of Park City among the Wasatch Mountains and is a prime destination for both business travelers and pleasure-seeking vacationers. We offer our staff FREE lunch/dinner and discounted rooms world-wide. We are a great hotel team and so much more! Our main objective is providing excellent service and hospitality – providing a warm and genuine welcome to all guests and employees. We call it "making it brilliant." Come join our winning team today and work for the biggest/best hotel company in the world! Our culture here is not just about work, we like to have fun too! We'd love for you to have the summer of a lifetime with us! There are so many activities to do in the summer: including hiking; water skiing; horse back riding; shopping; visiting our Olympic Park and enjoying the zip lines/tubing; traveling to Southern Utah (Moab, Zion); eating our amazing American food; etc. You can also travel to Las Vegas or any other city/state in the US with your associate discount and see it all! You will fall in love with PC and our team.
Hostess/Cashier: Responsabil sa salute oaspetii care sosesc si sa-i aseze la mese. Prima impresie a oaspetilor restaurantului o creaza Gazda. Trebuie sa monitorizeze mesele disponibile, sa estimeze timpul de asteptare a unei mese, sa raspunda la telefon si uneori sa ofere bauturi oaspetilor. / Responsabil pentru primirea platilor prin numerar, carduri de credit, cecuri etc. Trebuie sa salute clientii, sa incaseze sau restituie banii, sa duca evidenta platilor in registrul de casa, sa elibereze cecurile dupa achitare si sa le inmineze clientilor, sa raspunda la plingerile consumatorilor. Pozitia implica munca intr-un mediu operativ. Comunicarea cu clientii in limba engleza este indispensabila si necesita comportament responsabil, atitudine pozitiva, amabilitate si rapiditate in efectuarea sarcinilor. Fiecarui client trebuie de multumit pentru vizitarea localului si de exprimat placerea de a-l vedea revenind. Socializind in permanenta cu clientii iti vei imbunatati considerabil nivelul limbii engleze, vei deprinde capacitatea de gestionare eficienta a timpului si abilitatea de gasire rapida a solutiilor.