- Host / Hostess
- Egg Harbor
- Wisconsin
- $ 9.5 / hour
Job Description: The host position includes seating restaurant customers and assigning tables to wait staff. Additional duties include pouring water, making sure customers are attended to, keeping records including matching guest checks at the end of the shift, tallying tips to be paid to the busser and bartender, logging tickets used by waitstaff, and making sure all meal tickets have been paid. Position also includes making sure wait staff has completed their various tasks. Friendly customer service is a must. Shifts are five to six days per week from 7:15 AM to approximately 11:15 AM for breakfast. Dinner shift is 5:15 PM to approximately 9:30 PM.keeping the common areas and bathrooms of resort clean. Housekeeping job duties include picking up after a guest, preparing fresh linens/folding laundry as needed, making beds, dusting furniture and fixtures, washing floors, vacuuming carpeted areas, emptying trash cans, cleaning windows (usually less frequently), cleaning the bathroom and toilet and keeping the guest rooms stocked with accessories and the bathrooms stocked with supplies. Housekeepers will be using cleaning chemicals provided by resort. Accommodations should look welcoming and clean for resort guests. For more information on accommodations please visit the employer website at: http://www.alpineresort.com/inn_rates.html/. Participants should make sure all appliances in accommodations are in good working order, respond to guest queries and requests, and respond to calls for housekeeping problems such as spills, broken glass and so forth. Any maintenance issues or property damage should be reported to management. This position includes communicating with customers, coworkers and management. Teamwork, good organizational skills and attention to detail are important to achieving success in this position. This position provides an incentive for participants to increase their overall earnings through tips paid by customers based on a job well done.
Host / Hostess: Responsabil să salute oaspeții care sosesc și să-i așeze la mese. Prima impresie a oaspeților restaurantului o crează Gazda. Trebuie să monitorizeze mesele disponibile, să estimeze timpul de așteptare a unei mese, să răspundă la telefon și uneori să ofere băuturi oaspeților. Lucrând în această poziție ai funcția de a oferi din start doza de satisfacție și plăcere a oaspeților, de creare a dispoziției plăcute a acestora pentru timpul ce urmează să îl petreacă în local. Poziția îți oferă posibilitatea de a cunoaste mulți oameni noi din diverse regiuni, state, țări; de a dezvolta abilitățile de comunicare în limba engleză și de a obține impresii asupra comportamentului diferitor naționalități.