- Retail Sales
- West Yellowstone
- Montana
- $ 10 / hour
Job Description: Forever Young is a family owned and operated business. It was established in 2006 with a small budget and a big dream of a fun, colorful and endless variety Yellowstone souvenir shop. Today the store is expanded from five shops into one big store that offers something for everyone.The town of West Yellowstone is located close to the West Entranceof Yellowstone National Park. It is a small town that in the summer comes to be a main spot for many tourists from all around the world as well as working students. Yellowstone National Park offers wildlife ,geysers, and breathtaking scenery. We are looking for participants who are friendly and have a positive attitude, possessstrong communication skills, and are highly detail-oriented.
Retail Sales: Responsabil pentru acordarea asistentei in gasirea, masurarea si cumpararea articolelor unui magazin/atelier. Trebuie sa ofere servicii de consultanta si sa opereze registrul de incasare a banilor. Munca in aceasta pozitie presupune o activitate intr-un spatiu bine amenajat, ambianta placuta care urmeaza a fi incununtata de straduinta angajatului in satisfacerea clientului. Intimpinarea placuta a oaspetelui, discutiile politicoase si prietenoase urmate de sfaturi in alegerea cumparaturii tin sa te avanseze si sa obtii bonusuri si alte beneficii oferite de catre angajator ca multumire pentru implicarea ta cu devotament in activitatea ce o ai. Totodata ai posibilitatea de a-ti dezvolta capacitatea de gestionare eficienta a timpului si abilitatea de gasire rapida a solutiilor. Interactiunea directa cu clientii localului te va ajuta sa evoluezi in cunoasterea limbii engleze, iti va oferi posibilitatea sa comunici cu multi oameni din diverse locatii, state si desigur sa iti faci prieteni ceea ce iti va oferi o experienta de neuitat.